Brew 24 - Evil Pea Rules (Black IPA)

Brew 24 - Evil Pea Rules (Black IPA)

Brew Day: 09/01/2022

Bottle Day: 23/01/2022

A new brew bag and hop spider for Christmas that just needed to be used. I wanted to rebrew the Black IPA recipe from September 2020, this time working on increasing mash efficiency and reducing the need to supplement the wort with Demerara sugar.

I've been a bit lax on the blog writing so this is being written in July 2022... good job I kept god notes on brew day!

Mashed in with 22 litres of strike water at 66 deg C. 1/2 campden tab and 2 tsp of Burton crystals. 90 minute mash gave a 1.040 gravity (good start). 

Mashed out by raising the kettle to 77 deg C for 15mins. I found the new brew bag offered the ability to keep the grain stirred and really helped get more sugar from the grain bed. 

60min boil using the new hop spider - which was a superb addition to the day and proved so much easier to clean at the end. Hop additions as follows:

  • 12.5g Simcoe at 60min 
  • 20g Simcoe at 30min 
  • 1/2 Protofloc at 15min
  • 12.5g Simcoe at 0min
  • 12.5g Amarillo at 0min
  • 12.5g Citra at 0min
Dry hop additions after 4 days and left in for 4 days:
  • 65g each of Simcoe, Amarillo and Citra (using hop spider) 
The final beer came out at 5%. I was really happy with the final beer once it had bottle conditioned - the aroma and flavour were off the scale, deep malt and amazing citrus fruit combination. The head retention was great and this was perhaps my best brew yet. A recipe to keep hold of and certainly one I want to brew again in the future. Overall Score: 5/5 - nailed it!


Malts: Pale Malt, Carafa I, Caramalt, Light Crystal
Hops: Simcoe, Citra and Amarillo
Yeast: Fermentis Safale US-05 Yeast
Original gravity = 1.050
Final Gravity = 1.012
ABV = 5.0%
Volume into Fermenter: 15 litres
Batch size = 7 x 330ml, 1 x 660ml, 18 x 500ml


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