
Showing posts from March, 2021

Brew 19 - Gardener's Gloves MkII

Brew 19 - Gardener's Gloves MkII  Brew Day: 13/03/2021 Bottle Day: 27/03/2021 I first made Gardener's Gloves with GHNB in June 2020 - blog here . A recipe that offered up the chance to add flavour to the brew in the form of adjuncts - Orange and Grapefruit zest. We both really enjoyed this beer and it provided a fine summer ale. A brew that we promised to make again with some changes to the recipe. So, here we are. Brew day beckons and a few changes to the bill will give us a different take on the original beer. Firstly, we want more zest, more citrus and more hop. Secondly, we want haze. We adapt the malt and hop bill accordingly, increasing the dry hop dosage, planning to add more fruit zest and chucking in some rolled oats should bring this brew to life. We preheated the mash tun with boiled water again, this worked really well on the last brew and helped the temperature hold for longer. 23 litres of strike water were added at 73 deg C and mashed for 90mins at around 65 Deg