Brew 21 - Gardener's Gloves (Back by Popular Demand!)

Brew 21 - Gardener's Gloves (Back by Popular Demand!) Brew Day: 30/06/2021 Bottle Day: 14/07/2021 The last batch was a real win. Much loved by all who tried it and I quickly ran out of beer. I really enjoyed making this beer and the refinement of the original recipe really gave it an edge. I've recently upgraded my brew kit again and a new digital boiler means I can truly brew in a single vessel. This is a bit of a trial of the new kit so using a tried and tested recipe makes sense to me. I've not brewed in a while either so I'm hoping I'm not too rusty. I start the mash with 23 litres of strike water, 1/2 campden tablet and 2tsp of Burton crystals. I set the boiler to 65 deg C and let it hit temperature. This doesn't take long at all. In goes the malt bill inside its bag and a 90min mash begins. I notice that the boiler fluctuates in temperature, perhaps a little too much malt, but I'm able to stir the mix well and keep temperature as consistent as possibl...