
Showing posts from February, 2021

Brew 18 - Screaming Carrot Demon (American Pale Ale)

Brew 18 - Screaming Carrot Demon (American Pale Ale) Brew Day: 17/02/2021 Bottle Day: 03/03/2021 One of the big problems I find with with brewing is the constant worry that you are going to run out of good tasting beer. My cupboard is full and I have 5 different brews still in stock but still, I find that I want something else to drink. Flicking through Chris Coleby's Homebrew Bible and I'm drawn to something sessionable, perhaps another IPA or even better, an American Pale Ale. Chris has provided an excellent recipe for an APA on pg 126 (Stellar's Jay PA) where he suggests playing around with the hop bill to suit your flavour desire. His recipe uses Magnum and Cascade to give a citrusy profile. I don't mind citrus but I actually prefer a piney/resinous profile. I swap the Magnum bittering hops for Chinnock and trade the Cascade hop 5mins from the end with Simcoe. I'm keeping the Cascade hop at gas off and will be using it to dry hop on day 4.  Brew day was smooth,