
Showing posts from October, 2020

Brew 11 - No More Lands to Conquer? (Golden Ale)

Brew 11 - No More Lands to Conquer?  (Golden Ale) Brew day: 31/10/2020 Bottle day: 14/11/2020 I'd been chatting to my father in law for months about doing a brew day and had been pestering him to let me know which style of beer he would like to make. He'd tried a few of my previous brews and isn't a huge fan of the citrus hopped varieties so I suggested we make something a little more traditional. I've recently enjoyed a few Golden Ales and find that the style is quite underrated in the current world of dank NEIPAs and full on Stoats.  I started of with a bit of research. I knew what a Golden Ale tasted like and I enjoy a few quite a bit (Bay's Devon Dumpling springs to mind). The brew should be pale/light with very low SRM. I selected a base Extra Pale Malt and then chucked in a small amount of Light Crystal to raise the colour just above what it should be (I don't like to follow convention too much).  Next job was to select some hops. I wanted to add a decent

Brew 10 - Incognito IPA (First Gold Extract Kit)

  Brew 10 -  Incognito IPA (First Gold Extract Kit) Brewday: 10/10/2020 Dry hopped: 14/10/2020 Bottle day: 27/10/2020 Venturing into the extract world again - we decided to experiment with a Wilkinson's First Gold IPA kit. I've had some success with this brand before (a Chocolate Stoat) and our last kit experiment (Brew 8 - Sheepstor IPA) wasn't too bad. We are adamant that we can improve so here goes. The kit came with a standard packet of yeast and a tiny (less than 10g) bag of First Gold hops. A quick pop onto Get 'Er Brewed and we selected some hops to add. We decided to up the bittering hops with some extra Golding hops (East Kent) and then dry hop with some Ekuanot and Bavarian Mandarina (neither of which I have used yet). To add the bittering hops we made up a 'hop tea'. Boiling up the hops in some water for about 45mins will have given the Alpha Acids from the EKG hops chance to isomerise adding the desired flavour profile. The rest of the hops are added