Brew 11 - No More Lands to Conquer? (Golden Ale)

Brew 11 - No More Lands to Conquer? (Golden Ale) Brew day: 31/10/2020 Bottle day: 14/11/2020 I'd been chatting to my father in law for months about doing a brew day and had been pestering him to let me know which style of beer he would like to make. He'd tried a few of my previous brews and isn't a huge fan of the citrus hopped varieties so I suggested we make something a little more traditional. I've recently enjoyed a few Golden Ales and find that the style is quite underrated in the current world of dank NEIPAs and full on Stoats. I started of with a bit of research. I knew what a Golden Ale tasted like and I enjoy a few quite a bit (Bay's Devon Dumpling springs to mind). The brew should be pale/light with very low SRM. I selected a base Extra Pale Malt and then chucked in a small amount of Light Crystal to raise the colour just above what it should be (I don't like to follow convention too much). Next job was to select some hops. I wanted to add a decent ...