Brew 4 - Bramble Pie IPA

Brew 4 - Bramble Pie IPA Brew day: 30th May 2020 Bottle day: 11th June 2020 Background: If first knowingly came across Bramling Cross as a hop variety when I tried a can of Bad Co.'s Denver Milk Stoat in 2019. I found the intense flavours quite interesting and it was different to other Milk Stoats I had tried before - dark fruit or berry flavours on top of rich malt and milk. At the time, I was brewing a Chocolate Stoat Extract kit from Wilko's (my last kit brew before turning to BIAB All grain brewing) and was due to bottle in the next week. I decided to purchase a 100g bag of Bramling Cross online and added a small amount (about 10g) to dry hop the remaining 5L of beer in the fermenting vessel. The experimental beer turned out better than the kit (not that surprising really) and I wished I had used the hops with the entire batch. The remaining 90g has been sat in the freezer since and needs using. Brewdog to the rescue again. I stumbled across recipe #54 - Bramling ...