Brew 3 - Chocolate Hop Nob (Black IPA)

Brew 3 - Chocolate HopNob (Not-so Black IPA) Brew day: 27th April 2020 Dry hopped: 2nd May 2020 Bottling day: 7th May 2020 Background I picked up a personal favourite during a shopping trip to Tesco - Proper Black by St Austell Brewery. I love this beer enough to have given it 5 out of 5 on Untapped. A beer as black as stoat to the eye but as hoppy as it's golden cousin - Proper Job (another fave). I am keeping another load of bottles for my next batch; which coincidentally, I wasn't planning on doing for a few weeks. Removing the label from the Proper Black bottle, made me think about how much I enjoyed this brew. Spur of the moment, I decided that a Black IPA should be my next brew. Again, quite new to the all grain brewing lark, I scoured the Brew Dog Recipe Book for a Black IPA. A few stuck out. #347 - Technicolour Black at 6.5% was tempting but a little strong for something I am aiming for. #61 - AB:06, an Imperial Black IPA at 11.2% is a littl...